FLH 2009 - 2013 Hose Installation Steps
Keep Your Harley Running Cooler with UltraCoolSTEP 1 Oil Fittings
Locate oil lines and cooler assembly and take to a bench. Remove cooler cover and debris caps from cooler. Apply oil to all hose fittings and back of nut. Apply oil to AN-6 fittings on cooler assembly.
Step 2 Connecting Oil Line RFB-207
Hand start the 90 degree fitting to the FRONT fitting on oil adapter. Leave it loose to make adjustments.
Step 3 Connecting Oil Line RFB-206
Hand start the 45 degree fitting to the REAR fitting on the oil adapter. Leave it loose to make adjustments.
Step 4 Cooler on Mounting Bracket
Place cooler assembly on mounting bracket and use (1) cover bolt to hold it in place. As shown in picture.
Step 5 Connecting RFB-207 Oil Line
Run the line straight down and to the right side. Hand start the 45 degree fitting to the right side cooler fitting
Step 6 Connecting RFB-206 Oil Line
Run the line down past the stator wire and come up to fitting. Hands start the straight fitting to the cooler fitting. See picture.
Should Look Like This
Step 7 Crank Position Sensor – Stator Wire
Notice the 2 important wires in the picture.
Look at your hoses and make sure they are NOT rubbing or touching these wires. If so use the split rubber hose and a tie strap to prevent chaffing.
Step 8 Tightening Oil Lines at Oil Adapter
Locate the small fitting wrench and use it to hand tighten the fittings on the oil adapter.
Now use a ratchet and a 8” extension. Insert into fitting wrench and bring them up snug and turn 1-2 more flats.
Step 9 Tightening Oil Lines on Cooler
Use fitting wrench to hand tighten oil lines on oil cooler. Use 2 open end 11/16” wrenches. One on oil line fitting and one on cooler assembly. Bring them up snug and tighten 1-2 more flats. Repeat this to left side also.
Note: New Hose Lines
Here at UltraCool we are always looking for new products to improve our oil cooler. Here is a picture of our NEW braided oil lines. As you will notice there is a (white) PTFE Tube with a SS-304 Braiding and a nylon woven cover for that added protection.Just Another improvement at Ultracool.